Just to give you a heads up on some dates for our events this year. Firstly we are reintroducing the London Lunch which has not taken place since 2019 and used to be hosted by the late Simone Marella and his family. The restaurant sadly no longer exists. This year we have booked Sartori's Italian Restaurant near Leicester Square tube station for SATURDAY 25th MARCH.

In the autumn we will again be holding our annual Westgate Lunch in our old school buildings, St. AUGUSTINE'S COLEGE, 125, Canterbury Road, Westgate-on-Sea on SATURDAY 30th SEPTEMBER.

Our annual REMEMBRANCE will held at St. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH followed by lunch in Ramsgate on SATURDAY 11th NOVEMBER.

More details will be posted on our Website and published nearer the time of each event but we do hope you will be able to make one or more of these events this year.
