The new OA Committee met for the first time in London this month. Those elected at the recent AGM who agreed to serve on the committee are:

  • Chairman- - Chris Horsburgh 1967
  • Vice Chairman and Acting Secretary - Andrew Sharp 1972
  • Treasurer - Bob Bridger 1970
  • Membership & Archive - Peter West 1967
  • Events & Website - Richard Caraccio 1966
  • Chaplain - Canon Brian Coyle 1974
  • Committee Member - Anthony Conway 1967 and Keith Fenton 1984

Officer holders who do not serve on the Committee:

  • Patron - The Abbot of St. Augustine's Abbey - Fr. Paulinus Greenwood (Teacher 1995)
  • Auditor - Ben Sharp 1967
  • Assistant Chaplain - Fr. Duncan Lourensz 1970

The Committee are aware that we need to increase representation of OAs from the Westgate years and agreed to co-opt members on to the Committee from the post 1971 Alumni.

The normal term of Office for Office and Committee Members is 12 months from one AGM to the next. The Committee agreed that AGM's should take place in Westgate to encourage members from that generation to attend and get involved. Therefore, the current Committee will hold office for 18 months with the next AGM taking place in May 2021 in Westgate. the 2019 accounts will duly prepared and presented to Paid Up Members during 2020.

You must be a member of the OAs to have a say. It is easy to join. Please follow the link on the website.

2021 will mark the 50th Anniversary of the College in Ramsgate closing and making a new start in Westgate. We are looking to arrange a formal Dinner, similar to the one we held for our 150th Anniversary at the House of Lords in 2015. If you have any ideas or thoughts about this proposed event, please let us know.

If you have any OA news you wish to share with others, please do not hesitate to get in touch. if you wish to to join our Private OA Facebook Group, please request to join via the link below:
