The Ursuline College have planned a visit to Ypres on 19th June 2025 to visit the World War One War Graves which will include visiting graves of Old Augustinians who were killed in action. This is part of a History Project where two coach loads of Ursuline Students will have a daytrip to visit the graves.
The Old Augustinians have given support to the school ever since our school closed in 1995 when many of our boys joined the Ursuline College. It is our wish to continue to do so and this is the sort of project which can help today’s generation of students in Catholic Education in Thanet.
We are therefore delighted to inform you that the Old Augustinians’ Committee have unanimously given its backing to the project and have already donated £250 towards the costs. On hearing this, other members have pledged to make further personal donations, and this has already exceeded a further £600.
The more donations the school receives will reduce the cost for each student, making it more affordable. The ferry costs of the coaches alone will be nearly £3,000, so every donation will help as this cost has to passed on to each student.
To make a donation, please make it payable to:
The Ursuline College
Sort Code: 30-95-45
Account No. 24428768
Please reference the payment as “OA Ypres and your surname” so that letters of thanks may be given, unless you wish to remain anonymous.
The closing date for the appeal is Friday 28th February 2025
I do hope you will be able to help. Thank you in anticipation of your support.
With thanks and kindest regards
Andrew Sharp
Chair – Society of Old Augustinians
The Itinerary for the trip is below:
Thursday, 19th June
6:30 am – Depart from Ursuline College, Westgate-on-Sea
- Students to arrive by 6:15 am for a prompt departure.
8:00 am – Arrive at Dover for ferry check-in
- Allow time for passport checks and boarding.
9:30 am (local time) – Ferry arrives in Calais
- Board the coach and begin the journey to Ypres.
Afternoon Visits in Ypres
13:30 pm – Arrival in Ypres
- Begin visits immediately upon arrival.
13:30 pm – Lunch, Menin Gate, and Leonidas Chocolate Shop
- Students to have a packed lunch near the Menin Gate.
- Visit the Menin Gate Memorial to pay respects to 2nd Lt Frank Dinan, Lt CG Austin Sibeth, and Captain William Wickham.
- Stop at Leonidas Chocolate Shop for a brief visit.
- Duration: ~1 hour.
Grave Visits (Split Coaches)
14:30 pm – Coaches depart Menin Gate for cemetery visits
- Coach 1: Visit Bedford House Cemetery (William O’Malley, ~15 minutes away).
- Coach 2: Visit La Laiterie Military Cemetery (Edward Bagshawe, ~30 minutes away).
- Duration at cemeteries: ~30 minutes.
15:15 pm – Both coaches travel to New Irish Cemetery
- Visit Captain George Dalton Leake together.
- Duration: ~30 minutes.
Tyne Cot Cemetery
15:45 pm – Travel to Tyne Cot Cemetery
- Reflect on the largest Commonwealth War Cemetery together.
- Duration: ~30 minutes.
Departure from Ypres
16:30 pm – Depart Ypres for Calais
- Light dinner on the coach (packed by students).
20:15 pm – Ferry from Calais to Dover
- Allow time for passport checks and boarding.
21:30 pm (UK time) – Arrive in Dover
- Continue coach journey to Westgate.
22:15 pm – Arrive back at Ursuline College
- Ensure all students are collected promptly.