Celebrating the 120 year anniversary of Ursuline education at its current site on the Canterbury Road, Westgate-on-Sea

We are delighted to invite you to an Ursuline Alumni Reunion on Saturday 13th July 2024 commencing at 11.45am at the Ursuline College, 225 Canterbury Road, Westgate on Sea, Kent CT8 8LX.

This event is kindly hosted by The Ursuline College and organised by the Westgate Ursuline Alumni Association with the support of the Old Augustinians.

ALL Ursuline Convent School Alumnae and staff, Old Augustinians and former students and staff of the Ursuline College are welcome with your guests/family. Also present will be Ursuline College staff and students who have kindly given up their time to join us for this historic event.

The draft itinerary for the day is as follows:

11.45pm onwards, Registration of guests who sign in at Reception
12 Noon - Mass in the Ursuline Chapel celebrated by Canon Brian Coyle (former Principal of St. Augustine's College) and readings from Ursuline Convent Alumnae, Ursuline College Alumni and Old Augustinians.
12.45pm - Reception on the Chapel lawn (weather permitting)
13.30pm - Buffet Lunch served in the Refectory
14.30pm - Speeches
15.00pm - Tour of the school (tbc)
16.30pm - Close of event - all guests to be signed out.

We are very honoured to have as our guest speaker, Dame Ann Dowling, a former student of the Ursuline Convent, Westgate-on-Sea. She is a professor of Mechanical Engineering and was the first female President of the Royal Academy of Engineering, as well as being the recipient of numerous prestigious awards.

We are guests of our hosts, the Ursuline College, therefore BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL so that we and they are aware in advance of who will be attending. We need to know numbers by MONDAY 1st July and we cannot guarantee any bookings after that time, so please book early!

The Westgate Ursuline Alumni Association will be giving £300 towards the costs of the day. It will of course cost a lot more and we would encourage all attendees to consider contributing financially towards the cost of the event. A donation of £20 will also cover your first year’s membership. Even if you can't attend, donations are still welcome.

All donations can be made using the booking form.

We are all committed to supporting today's Catholic Secondary Schools in Thanet, just as we were supported by our alumni when we were at school. This is why we support our successor school, the Ursuline College so that today's generation of students benefit as we did in our time.

So, we do hope you will be able to attend this Reunion in the 120th year of Ursuline education at this Westgate site and encourage your old school friends to do the same.

Keryn Poulter.
Ursuline Alumni Chair

Andrew Sharp
Old Augustinians Chair
